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Convegno PIARC - World Road Association

New technologies applied to bridge monitoring and control: this was the title of the online conference proposed by PIARC - World Road Association on September 23, with the sponsorship of ANAS SpA (FS Italian Group) and the Superior Council of Public Works, as well as the close collaboration of AISICO S.r.l. and SITE.

Francesca Simonelli, Head of Sales and Business Development at SACERTIS Ingegneria SRL, participated in the seminar by sharing Sacertis' experience in the field of structural monitoring, with an important focus on the possibility of using it for predictive and therefore maintenance purposes.

We thank PIARC for the opportunity offered and Arch. Raffaella Grecco, Head of Road Safety in the Engineering and Verification Department of ANAS SpA, for the involvement.

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