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SACERTIS Ingegneria SRL shares significant insights about infrastructure dynamics at the IOMAC 2024 conference.

SACERTIS Ingegneria SRL presenta importanti risultati sulla dinamica delle infrastrutture alla conferenza IOMAC 2024

We are excited to announce that SACERTIS Ingegneria SRL presented significant findings on infrastructure dynamics at the International Operational Modal Analysis Conference IOMAC 2024 conference!

Pietro Antonio Centrone and Monica Longo presented the paper “Transforming Infrastructure Management in a Networked World: OMA strategies empowering SHM Diagnostics.” They shared our cutting-edge research on the dynamic response of a highway viaduct, contributing to the development of a comprehensive analytical framework for a network of monitored assets.

Driven by expertise and passion, our team delivered an inspiring presentation. As always, we remain committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation and excellence, propelling the industry forward.

Performing while transforming!

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