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Semi real-time monitoring of a viaduct under demolition

Monitoraggio in semi real-time per un viadotto in fase di demolizione


How to ensure the safety of a highway deck immediately after the demolition by explosion of the adjacent carriageway?

We are pleased to announce that SACERTIS Ingegneria SRL has successfully demonstrated how this process can be achieved, as we can assure the verification of structural integrity throughout all phases of a structure's lifecycle.

Last week the final phase of demolition of the North carriageway of the Gravagna viaduct (A15 highway) took place, using explosive charges for the removal of three metal portals supporting the deck.

Thanks to the efficiency of our real-time monitoring system and our analyses, we were able to quickly assess the impact of the demolition on the adjacent carriageway. The tests confirmed the stability and safety of the South carriageway, allowing the Concessionaire to safely reopen the traffic within a few hours from the time of the explosions.

Sacertis, in just over 4 weeks, designed, supplied, and implemented a rigorous semi real-time monitoring system, with about 200 inclinometers and 200 accelerometers. This setup allowed us to meticulously and promptly monitor the effects of the explosion, ensuring that no unexpected damage or collapses occurred.

🔍 Learn more about our experience and how we ensure structural integrity at every stage!

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